“We have been speaking with Jason for some time as to how his unique approach to film could benefit the paitent experience at Derby Hospitals. The decision to show the work on screens in a series of pop up locations all over the hospital will allow the greatest possible access to the work for all sorts of paitents and visitors. From the fracture clinic and X-ray to cancer services and clinical measurement thousands of visitors will get oppourtunity to see the work each day it is shown.”
Juliet Cooper – Air Arts Co-Ordinator
Using video to enhance patient well-being
Flourish is part of Air Arts Autum/ Winter season of exhibitions for Royal Derby Hospital. Ten regional artists were challenged to create a piece of work for the exhibition, being asked to explore the notion of flourish, responding with a piece that would be aimed towards the benefit of paitents at Royal Derby Hospital.
For more information about this amazing project and how to get involved by donated and sponsoring, along with all of the great benefits from Professional Digital Video Productions for you’re business, to art work and timeless photos to remember this event. Please follow the link below and give generously because it’s YOU that will make this project bring a community together.
On behalf of the JET Productions team and Jason who is at the tip of this project, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
INDIEGOGO – http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/flourish-video-art-project
FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/groups/205630502925585/
YOUTUBE – https://www.youtube.com/user/JasonElbertsFLOURISH?feature=watch
JASON ELBERTS – https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jason-Elberts-Video-Art/270571653600?fref=ts
This entry was posted on Friday, August 2nd, 2013 at 8:50 pm and is filed under News.